photos courtesy of Alisa Leek Photography
I am a photographer, yes, but oh so many more things...
A mother of 3, wife, daughter, sister, child of God
Lover of the mountain air, adventure, and water....lakes, rivers, streams, oceans.
Dreamer, creator, artist. See, my Creator has instilled in me this constant desire to make try to make something beautiful. He is the ultimate artist and to strive after that is one of the things that makes me feel closer to Him. So, I paint, I draw, I play with clay, I sometimes break out power tools and build tables, but I am always in a state of making.
In photography, I get to make something beautiful from the light and nature and people that God already created. I just capture it in a still moment, in its natural course.
Since 2009, I have been trying to capture my clients, my friends, at their most genuine, beautiful state, so that they will have memories to hang on the wall and their hearts for years to come. I hope to do the same for you.